Parking Rules.
All permanent residents must have their vehicles registered at the Business Office and must have a VALID MARYLAND FARMS Permit displayed on their vehicles. This permit must be placed in the Front Passenger Side of your window, below the Tint. Do Not place the permits on the Side Windows. DO NOT PLACE THE PERMITS IN THE TINTED PORTION OF THE WINDSHIELD. IT MUST BE VISIBLE FROM THE EXTERIOR OF THE VEHICLE BOTH DAY AND NIGHT.
MARYLAND FARMS issues the following parking permits to each unit address: 1(ONE) RESERVED SPACE TOW CARD PER UNIT. Each unit gets only 1 (one) reserved spot.
Only the Hangtag can be revoked if the account is delinquent. Replacement of lost HangTag is $75 each.All vehicles must display current Maryland tags. Maryland State Laws require that out-of-state persons must apply for Maryland tags within the first 30 days of a new residency unless Military or Student.
Non-working vehicles, i.e. no tags, dead tags, flat tires or generally inoperable vehicles will be towed at owner’s risk and expense.
Parking of COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IS PROHIBITED! If there is writing on the vehicle, ladders, or extends the parking space, it will be towed.
It is the sole responsibility of the residents of MARYLAND FARMS to inform any visitors of the parking rules and regulations.
If you purchase a new car or are using a rental vehicle, you must go to the Business Office immediately to make arrangements for a new Parking Permit. The PARKING PASS OF THE OLD VEHICLE MUST BE RETURNED TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE.
NO hand written passes are allowed to be displayed in the vehicles. Office issued passes ONLY.
All vehicles parked in Fire Lanes, No Parking zones, on Sidewalks, blocking dumpsters, double parked and/or in Handicapped-reserved spaces without a Handicapped permit, will be towed at owner’s risk and expense. PARKING ON THE GRASS OR AT THE MAINTENANCE BAY WILL RESULT IN YOUR VEHICLE BEING TOWED ALSO.
Major Repairing of Vehicles or Washing of Vehicles is Strictly Prohibited on our Property.
The tow company will be randomly checking that the permit number belongs on the car in which it is displayed. If it is on the wrong vehicle, it will be towed. (DO NOT TRY TO REINSTALL THE STICKERS ON A DIFFERENT VEHICLE THAN IT HAS BEEN REGISTERED TO).
If your vehicle is towed, Do NOT come to the Business Office. There is nothing we can do. Call Princes Georges Towing 301.220.1170. They will direct you to their lot and inform you of the towing charges.
Vehicle TOWED?
If your vehicle has been towed please call Prince Georges Towing at 301-220-1170. Theywill direct you to their lot and inform you of the towing charges.
It is in your best interest to retrieve your vehicle as soon as possible, since costly, daily impound storage lot charges accrue.
Information for Prince George's County
All vehicles impounded within Prince George's County are reported to the Prince George's County Police Department's Teletype Section, unless the owner has already been notified.
To check if a vehicle has been impounded in Prince George's County click here: VEHICLE IMPOUND DATABASE.
Information for Montgomery County
If P.G. TOWING (301-585-8808) does not have your vehicle, please contact theMontgomery County Police Department at their non-emergency number 301-279-8000 to find out where your vehicle is and how to retrieve it.
License your pet!
As stated in the Animal Control Ordinance, “No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog, cat or ferret over the age of four months, unless such dog/cat/ferret is licensed" (Prince George’s County Code, Section 3-145).
Pit Bull Terriers
In accordance with Prince George’s County Code, Section 3-185.01, "No person shall own, keep, or harbor a Pit Bull Terrier within the County."
Pit Bull Terriers are defined as:
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Breed
America Staffordshire Terrier Breed
American Pit Bull Terrier Breed
Exceptions are allowed for any person owning a Pit Bull Terrier prior to November 1, 1996, whose dog has been continuously registered by the Administrator of Animal Control since November 1, 1996 and continuously displays a tag provided by the Administrator which readily identifies the dog as a registered Pit Bull Terrier.
The dog shall be maintained within a building or secure kennel at all times.
Whenever the dog is removed from the building or kennel, he shall be secured by an unbreakable or unseverable leash and maintained under the control of an adult.
Violations of Section 3-185.01 will result in the illegal Pit Bull Terrier being impounded, and fines up to $1,000 or a sentence of not more than six months of imprisonment against the owner.
Leash Law - Maryland State
Maryland State Law and Maryland Farms By-Laws state that your dog must be on a leash at all times.
Pets will be under the actual control of an adult at all times. Dogs must be secured by a leash not to exceed six (6) feet in length.
It is prohibited for residents of Maryland Farms to allow their pets to urinate or defecate on patios, balconies, landscaping, against buildings, sidewalks, playgrounds, and parking areas. Pet owners shall clean up after their pets at all times.
There are 8 designated Pet Walk Areas at Maryland Farms. Please see the map below.
For more information on where to license your dog, cat, or ferret once they are over the age of 4 months as well as the Pit Bull Terriers Law in Maryland, please see articles and links below the map.
Map of Pet Walk Areas
Waste Management, Prevention, and Recycling
Single-Stream Recycling at Maryland Farms
All recyclable items are placed in the same container.
Recyclables are collected without the need to sort or separate.
Equipment at the Materials Recycling Facility sorts the materials.
Please rinse bottles and containers for better recycling.
Recycling is picked up throughout the week.
Household Trash
Household should be able to fit in a 30 gallon or less trash bag. Please use the compactor bin clearly marked, at the front of your trash collection location. We have 6 "Trash Huts" in our community (see TRASH HUT MAP).
Please use the following guidelines for disposing of all trash:
For household trash, please make absolutely sure each bag is completely tied at the top so items cannot spill out. Please drain all liquids before placing them in the trash.
When carrying items out to the compactor, do not just leave the bag in front of the compactor. Place the item in the compactor and give it a push so it slides down into the compacting area.
Please be aware that when you send young children to dispose of household trash, they often cannot hold the trash bag off the ground. They drag the bags to the compactor and most often the bag ends up tearing and leaking trash along the way to the trash disposal area. Also, small children cannot lift the bag off the ground to place it in the compactor thus leaving the bag in front of the compactor, an easy target of small animals.
Waste Prevention
What is Waste Prevention?
Waste prevention, is the practice of eliminating waste before it is created, or essentially, needing less material to get the job done. It comprises the design, manufacture, purchase or use of materials and products to reduce the amount or toxicity of what is thrown away. The benefits of source reduction include reduced energy consumption and pollution, conservation of natural resources, extension of valuable landfill space, and substantial savings through reduced purchasing costs and disposal costs.
Waste Prevention Tips For Around Your Home
Purchase items in bulk or economy sizes
Purchase products in concentrated form
Purchase items in reusable containers
Purchase only those items that you need
Get more product for your dollar by purchasing items with the least amount of packaging
Purchase high-quality, long-lasting products
Repair older items rather than purchasing new ones
Reuse plastic or paper grocery bags when shopping or, better yet, use cloth or mesh bags
Use cloth towels, napkins and rags instead of disposable paper products that cannot be recycled
Avoid using disposable cups, plates and cutlery
Save bows, tissue paper, Styrofoam peanuts and boxes for gift wrapping
Use rechargeable batteries whenever possible
Return unwanted clothes hangers to the dry cleaners for reuse
Donate unwanted items (food, clothing, equipment, furniture, appliances) to charitable organizations
Re-upholster furniture instead of purchasing new pieces
Rent infrequently used tools or equipment
More questions regarding Waste Management, Prevention, and Recycling?
Check out the Prince George's County Waste Management Division's website: